Friday, April 8, 2011

Poems from April 7 installations coming soon!

I'll be scanning the poems from last nights' events in this weekend. If you wrote a poem at the booth, THANK YOU, and be sure to check back here to see it posted!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Poetry is for everybody!

The Poetry Booth is a public, free, and mobile display and workspace for experiencing and creating poems with the help or guidance of practiced poets and educators. The booth will provide space (tables and chairs), supplies (paper, pencils, pens, markers, glue, scissors, typewriters), and poetic inspiration in the form of example poems and poetic objects, writing prompts, and activities. The available poetries and activities could include poetry games and puzzles, tactile and visual poetry, postcard poetry, collaborative poetry, traditional and invented poetic forms, performance poetry, poetry in translation, and book arts. All participants are invited to contribute the poems they create at the Poetry Booth for publication on the Poetry Booth blog. Poetry is for everybody!

pictured above: "Cleromancy Poetry Game" by Michelle Detorie; photo and staging by Helen White

Monday, January 17, 2011

Poetry Booth in 2011

I hope to be lining up some dates and locations for the Poetry Booth in the next few weeks. If you have any suggestions about where/when I might stage it, drop a note in the comments or shoot me an email at femmeferal at gmail dot com. Thank you!